Thinking Blogger

Thinking Blogger Award

Thank you to Alina at The Closet Environmentalist , Cat at Making It Home, and Steph at Adventures in Babywearing for presenting me with the Thinking Blogger Award! If you nominated me and I didn't list you...please email me and I will edit this!

So now...I am required to list 5 blogs that make me THINK..and those that I nominate are supposed to nominate their own five. It's so hard to choose just five...I could list 20 (see my blogroll!) but here goes:

  • Casaubon's Book: Thoughtful, intellectual writing. Really great stuff. Be prepared to spend awhile there.
  • Living Plastic Free: I'm always on the lookout for people that are doing "radical" things that I haven't attempted yet. This blog really opened my eyes. Plastic is everywhere.
  • Simple Living: A blog that encourages action...especially her newest challenge.
  • Making Home: An amazing Christian woman tackling the hard issues. A lot of fun reading on her site.
  • Simplicity Soup: Rachel is beautiful on the inside and out. Her posts make me smile and sometimes I wonder if we don't share a brain.

In Living Color

Wheeeee! Isn't color much more fun? I've made a few changes to my blog with the help of Swank Web Style. I designed the new header and they installed it into WordPress with all the new features. If you're interested in having me design a header for your blog...let me know and I can give you the details. So what's new? Well...if you've ever tried to read the archives on my blog, you will probably agree that with Blogger, it was pretty frustrating. Now, all of my previous posts are categorized and listed along the left you can "research" with ease. I've also added more links and a "blogroll" (blogs that I read consistently and that have good content). There is a link on the right side that allows you to email me directly...I know some of you have had trouble in the past trying to track me down :) Lastly, the new web address...which makes it easier to remember and tell your friends!

Welcome to the NEW and improved "Walk Slowly, Live Wildly"!

No Impact Man

I came across an interesting blog...No Impact Man. It's one man's radical attempt to decrease his family's "impact" on the earth over the course of a year. It's inspiring and CRAZY. It's been in the news lately, so you may have already heard about it...but I know that many of you will enjoy tracking his progress this year as they live mindfully.