Sparkling Adventures

I love it when I come across a blog and a family that is so vibrant and delightful that you just can't help but be sucked in! Lauren, the author of "Sparkling Adventures" posted on the Families on the Road Facebook page today about their travel digs and that's how I found her. So excited to read more through her blog...she talks about unschooling, living for Jesus, eating well, birth, photography, travel, dreadlocks and more! Sound familiar? ;-)

Jump over there if you're looking for an adventure...Happy Monday!

Celebrating Five

::: photo credit :::

I wanted to write about this fun milestone yesterday, but the flu came in and stole my motivation :) However, I just can't let the weekend go by without celebrating a bit!

Walk Slowly, Live Wildly turned FIVE years old yesterday! I posted my very first blog on March 11, 2006. I still remember sitting on our red couch at the house in Des Moines...trying to decide what to name it. Back in those days, MySpace with the "cool place" to be and the blogosphere was still just a child. It's crazy how much has changed in 5 years!

This blog has opened so many doors for friendship and new experiences. In fact, our initial tour around the country was originally a "let's go meet blog readers" tour...and it's such a blessing to know so many of you in person! I honestly can't imagine my life without the friends I have met online. I would venture to say that the majority of the people I interact with on a day to day basis and those who inspire me the most were once "strangers" I met online.

This online space we have's quite an amazing web of interconnectedness.

As part of the celebration, I would love to hear from you! Leave me a comment just to say hello and tell me a little about yourself! But beyond that, I would love to hear any stories you have about:

  • Online friendships turned "real life" friendships
  • Online communities that have changed you forever
  • Any "remember when" moments or experiences you and I have had together in real life  :)

It's one of my dreams to someday gather all of my friends for a big weekend retreat...wouldn't that be amazing? But for now...we'll just have a little party right here :)

Stay tuned for some really fantastic celebration giveaways in the next couple of weeks!


Blog Share

Here are a couple blogs that I've been enjoying: Passionate Homemaking I'm sure some of you are already familiar with Lindsay's blog, but I just recently came across it. Our interests intersect nicely, so I've had a great time peeking around her blog...especially in her recipe section. Good stuff there. Her site is super organized and easy to navigate...and although I've never corresponded with her, she just seems like a mama you would want to sit down with over a cup of tea! Currently, she is holding a book discussion and giveaway for a book that I would love to read, Practicing Hospitality. Be sure to check it out!

Ordinary Life Magic As we delve deeper into our unschooling journey, I've been looking for inspiration...and this blog is full of it! It's a display of one unschooling family's adventures in their "ordinary", but magical life. Whenever I look at her photos, I'm reminded to slow down and enjoy life's ordinary moments and to see the world through the eyes of a child.

What blogs have you discovered (and loved) lately?