Free Spirit

...her sense of accomplishment and her mad climbing skills.

...her free spirit.

...the connection Matt and Lucy share. This girl is in LOVE with her Daddy.

...iced mate, Flickr, hooping, and travel (all in one photo!)

...her sense of self.

...whimsical rock art.

...tiny toes and chubby legs.

I've been working on some new projects, which means more time away from the RV..and I miss my little loves! I suppose it would help if I didn't listen to sappy soundtracks while I work. ;)

Ohh....but they are magical. They are unique. They are inspiring. They are sometimes exhausting. :) They are mine. I find so much joy in family.

What do you love today? What is bringing you joy?

10 Years of Wedded Bliss

I remember waking up on this day exactly 10 years ago and being so full of excitement. All of our friends and family had come up to northern Minnesota to celebrate the commitment Matt and I were about to make. The food was ready. The church was being decorated. I felt amazing.

The day went off without a hitch. I still remember the feeling I had as the doors opened, and the music daddy holding my arm as he walked me down the aisle.

There was such hope and anticipation in that day, for the weeks ahead, and for our lives together. I look at this photo of us and remember the giddy feelings we had when we were together in those early days...and we still feel that way! We've experienced more life TOGETHER than many couples do in a lifetime. I am so thankful for my sweet Matthew and on this day, we celebrate 10 years of bliss together.

Our friends thought we were crazy when we told them we were getting married after knowing each other for one month. We were crazy then, and we're STILL crazy. Love you!

Photos from our wedding day here.