Welcome to Nesting Gypsy!


It's Friday morning and I'm sitting in a quiet house, sipping my coffee. The girls are still cozy in their beds...and that, my friends, is a RARE gift. As type this, so many emotions are surfacing.

I have wanted to give my blog a fresh new look for SO many years. Oh so many. But life happened, and other things took priority.

But now...it's happening!!

My heart races as I think about turning this site LIVE and sending it out to you. I could not have done this without my soul doula and partner in creation...Hillary Rain. I am completely in awe of her and the gentle ways she has encouraged me along the way. Because this way has not been easy. But it's been so worth it.

I have an extra special announcement about The Dreadlock Journey too! The official release date is on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2014. But in celebration of my new blog launch, it's NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-SALE!

And we have a heart-bursting giveaway that you will be entered into with your purchase. So hop on over and take advantage of this special discount!!

I'm so excited to share this space with you...excited to connect on a deeper level once again.

So peek around.
There is lots to see.
The door is open.

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**You can find all of my Walk Slowly, Live Wildly posts on this site as well! Nothing has been deleted. You can use the SEARCH button in the upper right sidebar, or click here to be taken to the Index/Category page!

**Let me also invite you to grab one of my new buttons! You can find two sizes at the bottom of my sidebar to your right. Thank you for spreading the love!

All Things New + Big Changes Ahead


"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness..." *Isaiah 43:19

In the next 10 days, I will unlock the doors and move into TWO new homes!

TWO?! Yes two.

A new home for my family. A new home for this blog.

Whoa. Big changes ahead! Exciting new adventures! I better start roasting the coffee now in preparation.

On Friday, February 14, we will sign on the dotted line and become the proud OWNERS of our new house.


We've had 14 addresses in 14 years of marriage...and what an exhilarating ride it's been! I wouldn't have it any other way. I can hardly believe it, but we are ready.

Ready for a place of our OWN. Ready to remodel. To lay roots. To REMAIN.

Here are the details:

  • In a sweet little mountain neighborhood.
  • 1 acre: we will have chickens! And treehouses. And room to roam.
  • Tall swaying pines and a huge granite rock face. After an easy climb to the top, you can see Denver.
  • 4 BR / 1.5 bath. Approx 2100 square ft.
  • A huge wall of windows looking out into the trees. Can you say bird watching?
  • 900 square foot deck
  • 600 square foot separate studio/office/guest house
  • Oh the views! The views inspire me. The photo at the top of this post is our view as we drive up and down the mountain.
  • And apparently there is a fox who likes to hang out and look beautiful.
  • And wildflowers. Yes.

Built in 1966, it has quite a bit of updating needed. But I think I might know a guy who can handle that ;) We are so ready to tear down walls and get our hands dirty. You might have seen me blowing my Pinterest boards up lately. And now you know why. I'm doing something a little different this time. Lots and lots of white and light and more white. With COLOR. Of course there will be color. But lots of white. Weeeeeeee!

So there's that.

* * * * * * *


And then the blog! Ohhhhhh the blog! You all know that I have been very quiet here lately. But life has not been quiet.

I've been completely immersed in farm life, raising 3 little girls, and trying not to drown in the tidal wave of everyday life!

Instagram is an amazing outlet for my thoughts and photos...and it's eaten my desire to blog slowly but surely. But I miss it. I miss blogging. I miss writing. I miss sharing my thoughts at length with you.

But I needed something FRESH and more ME. I started this blog 8 years ago. In the days of MySpace. So much has changed since then. In the world. And inside me. I have grown and learned and I wanted a home on the web that could reflect that.

AND SO...IT'S COMING! A brand new identity.

Yes, I am retiring Walk Slowly, Live Wildly. It's time. Time to change it up. Expand.

This blog has opened more doors for me than I ever thought possible. The majority of my friends have started out as blog readers. And then we went on tour and on another tour and stayed in those friend's backyards and they turned into "real life" friends. And now they are kindred spirits I cannot go a day without.

There will be a new name. A new URL.

But it will be the same Sara. The same stuff I like to talk about. I can't wait to show you.  Eeeeeeeeeep!! *heart racing*

Please note that nothing is actually being deleted. All of my old posts will be on the new blog. Just moving them there to the archives :)

My goal with all of this is to blog more. Share more. Give more. I will document our remodel of the house. Our our new life in the mountains. I'll tell you what is inspiring me and talk about my amazing friends and what they are up to.

I am shooting for the end of this week to launch. I still have much to write and prepare, but I want to do it. I am in the final stages of editing The Dreadlock Journey as well. Oh...AND Matt is moving into a new shop/business space and totally remodeling that this week too. Recipe for crazy? You betcha.

I'm not quite sure how it all came into being THIS WEEK. But God knows. And I'm just holding on for dear life. :)  I haven't slept much lately.

But I love this so much. It's life-bringing. It LIGHTS ME UP. And that's how I know we are exactly where we should be.

Keep an eye out...good things ahead. Good good things.

I hope you'll come along for the ride!

Sign up below for my brand new (love)LETTER! I'll show up in your inbox once in awhile with good stuff.

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The Dreadlock Journey: Conversations on Life, Love, & Locks


I am SO THRILLED to finally be sharing my latest project with you...

The Dreadlock Journey!

This eBook has been many years in the making...and it's ALMOST ready for you. So so close. I couldn't be more excited. My heart is racing just typing this :)

After having dreadlocks for almost 7 years, I have become friends with a host of amazing dreadlocked beauties, and I have heard them spill their hearts and tell me how dreadlocks have changed them. So I thought...

Let's tell the stories! Let's share our journeys! Let's get inspired!

You do NOT want to miss this...stories from Mandy Steward, Denise Andrade, Pixie Campbell, Emily Falconbridge, Hillary Rain, Tara Wagner, Catina Jane, and SO many more lovelies. 32 to be exact! And of course, my dread-cutting story is included as well, along with other bonus goodies!

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Does this sound like something you just might LOVE? Sign up below for my brand new (love)LETTER! I will be sending out sneak peaks into the eBook, as well as pre-sale discounts! The (love)LETTER will also be a way for me to send out other fun things I find along my way!

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