On Top of the World

"Let's go on a walk..."

What possibility these words hold! Opportunities abound for heart-changing, soul-moving experiences. That's what a walk is for. To adjust your perspective. 

As we began the search for our new home, we knew that "normal" and "cookie-cutter" just wouldn't do. We searched for a way to keep our animals and move to another small farm, but land availability in Colorado is scarce and we couldn't find one in time. Trusting that God had something even better in mind, we fixed our gaze on the mountains. Because we love nature. And snow. Big views and crisp clean air. It's such fun to walk out the front door and have such beauty all around. I smile every time. 

This weekend we decided to go on a walk and explore more of our neighborhood. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that we live on top of the world! 


We walked just a few minutes up the road and this is what we saw! Breathtaking to say the least. It was quite overcast every time we visited before our house closing, so it's such a sweet discovery every time we discover a new view. Looking out over the canyon...I am reminded of God's faithfulness and care in our lives. Our surroundings on this mountaintop inspire thoughts of creation and spirit and sacred beauty. I am so thankful. 

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We continued on our way, meeting neighbors and their dogs along the way. They informed us that there is a private hiking trail that we have access to as a resident, and I can't wait to check it out! We haven't done much hiking in the past, but now that we are "mountain people", I want that to change! I foresee snow shoes in my future. And cross country skis!

I try to spend time outside every day...it's so relaxing to climb up onto our rocks and look out over Denver or just sit and listen to the birds. Or watch the deer. The herd of twelve comes through our yard 2-3 times a day it seems. 

Or I just sit and enjoy the silence. It's SO quiet up here. I notice it even more so because my girls are quite....ahem..."enthusiastic" about life and their sweet voices ring out like a bell!

I'm truly enjoying the snow and wintery days...but I'm also looking forward to warmth and wildflowers. Seasons changing. Such beauty in it. So much to learn.

Do you have a walking ritual?  
Or  a daily nature experience?
What have you been learning lately?

The Little Kitchen in the Basement

When we bought our new house, the first thing we did was tear the kitchen clean out! But it's not super easy to nourish a family with no running water or stove. I know there are amazing mamas who do it with grace every day around the world...but whoa. It's a big challenge. So in an effort to make our transition a bit easier, Matt built me this sweet little kitchen. 

We have a bank of cabinets with open cupboards on either side of my barnwood plant stand...with succulents on top of course! A mini-fridge and a sink on the left. Matt tapped into the water spigot for the washing machine and rigged a large bucket underneath with a sump pump that drains the grey water out automatically when it gets full (yes, he's a genius). What a relief to having running water downstairs now! Love it. We also added a single hot plate and a griddle for cooking up some delicious meals. I have my crock pot too, which will come in handy.

What makes it even more special is that all of these pieces were either free/salvaged or thrifted. The cabinets, cupboards, fridge, and countertop were all picked from discards at Matt's job sites. And then we made a quick stop at ReSource in Boulder on Saturday and came upon the utility sink and grabbed it right up...along with my vintage teal blue metal shelf that I am repurposing as a magnet board for all of my happy little pieces of love. 

Isn't it adorable?! When I walked into the ReSource warehouse, my eyes immediately darted around and around for TEAL. Find the teal! Yes! I won't even tell you about the perfect teal kitchen island that I bolted towards...only to find a SOLD sign on it. Drat. Foiled again! I am predicting many more trips there in the next couple of weeks...on the prowl for the perfect salvaged goodies. The shelf is hanging on the side of our sauna...which we have yet to fire up, but I'm hoping this week we will enjoy some heat! 

And look! Remember those yummy flags Em sent me last week? I hung them here in the little kitchen and I ADORE them. The round shape is so soft and whimsical. And you know I just can't have a space in my home without flags flying. I asked Em if she would make them available online so y'all could buy them too...AND SHE DID!! Jump on over there to snag your very own. She also has an insta-store on Instagram if that's more your style! You can find her at @shopembers. Her super comfy tee-skirts are there too!

I absolutely love taking an empty space and turning it into something that inspires me every time I am there. Temporary spaces can still be fantastic with just a little bit of love. And by love I mean flags, succulents, and layering light and textures! Worth every minute!

It's looking to be an exciting week at the house...with drywall being finished, texture being sprayed, and wood being laid on the ceiling. It's convenient to be living in our construction zone...so now Matt can run upstairs and work on a few items whenever he wants to. We love standing in the space and talking through our vision and how it's all going to come together. It's a process. Such a process. But one we are enjoying, day by day.


Smile at the Mountains


We're here! We're here! What a day...doodle-lee-doo! We pulled into the driveway at 7:00 p.m. after spending all day cleaning at the farm. Daddy snuck away early in the day to come to the new house and set up our temporary basement haven. Here is a peek at our big BEDroom, complete with bedding! What a treat to arrive to a space that was already ready for a little bouncing.

My sister, Laura, texted me early in the day and said the she and her hubby Dan wanted to have supper delivered for our first meal in our new house. Squeeeeeee! Oh but wait, no one delivers to the top of our mountain! So they paid for us to big up a big bag of takeout from our favorite restaurant, Chey Thuy. Mmmmmmm...those spring rolls were as big as the moon! Such an amazing, thoughtful way to reach out to us across the miles.


And lastly...our place of connection and rest. Matt had this little room set up too! He knew I would feel so much more grounded if a little bit of home was already here...and I breathed a sigh of relief when I opened the door.

As I type this, he is sound asleep on the plaid couch and Maia is cuddled up next to me snoring. Maggie is sprawled out on the rug. American Idol contestants are crooning from the TV...and my three birdies are sound asleep one room away. Coffee goodies have been carefully set out on the counter...I take care of the important stuff of course!

This is all still feeling a bit surreal. It's OUR house! Our very own. And tomorrow morning I will hold a steaming cup of coffee in my hand, look out the window...and I will smile at the mountains.