December Photo Project ::: 12.31.09


We made it to Bozeman! After many phone calls, we finally got our tickets re-booked after the blizzard/ice storm. We flew in on Tuesday and SURPRISED our family and will be here until Saturday. We've had a fun time re-connecting with our dear friends...and the time with family is so fun. Mindy (Matt's sister) and Ryan have a little boy who is just 5 months older than Lucy, so it's been entertaining watching them interact. They live up in the mountains and it's so beautiful with all the snow. Here is where we are staying...although there isn't quite as much snow this year! We'll be back in the Midwest on Saturday, and then we fly back to our RV in California on January 11. Weeeeee! I'll be ready to get back to the sunshine! I've uploaded some of the photos to this set already, and will be adding more soon.

(P.S. I couldn't resist doing just one more DPP photo...I'm thinking about doing another photo project in 2010, so stay tuned!)

A Friend in Need...

This morning as I was scanning through my Facebook updates, I gasped out loud when I came to Laura's:

Most everything is burned/melted or water-damaged. Only home my kids have ever known. SO hard but thanking God we were NOT there!

Laura is the mama of 5 sweet babes, and wife to Jeromy. She is a photographer friend of mine and a beautiful, giving soul. I am so heartbroken for their family and can't even begin to fathom that feeling of loss. They have lived in their home for 5 1/2 years...and to find that it burned down on Christmas day is devastating.

Please say a prayer for their family as they sort through all the pieces of this tragedy. If you are able to give a financial gift, you can do that via her blog here. Even just a few dollars will uplift this sweet family.

Photo credit: Taylor Christian Jones

December Photo Project ::: 12.25.09


Mom's famous caramel rolls for breakfast...a Christmas morning tradition. Hope your Christmas was joy-filled! More photos from our celebration here.

This is officially the last day of the December Photo Challenge. It has been so much fun and it's forced me to be more present in my daily life, taking note of the details. I liked it so much that I think I will continue some form. Not every day, but whenever I have something to share with you! :) Love love love you all...Merry Christmas!