
In early August, we flew out to Denver/Boulder. Matt flew onto Boise to pick up our bus, and I stayed in Denver with my brother, and then in Boulder with our friends, the Cheeks. I love Boulder. I love the people. The atmosphere. The food. The coffee. It's just good stuff. Check out the photos here.

We went to the Farmer's Market, the Rocky Mountain Tea Festival, the Emmaus Road Church "dedication", out for Thai food, out for coffee. Fun times.

We love spending time with the Cheeks. Even though we may not see each other for months and's as if no time has passed at all. It's crazy to think that we've been friends for just 8 years. It seems like so much longer! I could sit for hours talking to Natalie, and I know Matt could do the same with Kris. In fact, we used to do that a lot more BEFORE we had kids. Now, freetime is a little harder to come by, but it makes every moment all the more sweet.

It was great to be there and see the great things that are happening with the church plant. I praise God for what He is doing there and also that He has allowed us to see so many friends and family this summer.