Happy Janssens Blog is LIVE!
I am VERY excited to announce that our new blog is officially LAUNCHED!! Woooo hoooo!
Come join us at Happy Janssens!
There are 23 blogs already posted for your reading pleasure and TONS of new photos (including lots of new listings at my Etsy store). I've been blogging all of our travels from the time we bought the RV, but the dates aren't exactly right because I blogged them all at once :) Now that I'm caught up, the posts will be in "real time". We love love love comments...so don't be shy!
You will see there that we are currently taking bookings for photography sessions, veggie oil conversions, and custom RV remodels. Please contact us right away if you're interested in hiring us for these services when we are in your area. We are basing our route on our booked jobs.
Spread the word...and put one of little blog "buttons" on your site! Have a wonderful weekend...see you over at Happy Janssens!
**This will be our every day travel blog...it does not replace Walk Slowly. I will still blog here as well.**