Sending Love
I just wanted to thank all of you who sent me the lovely holiday made me soooooo happy to see all of your smiling faces in my mailbox! It arrived all at once right after we settled in Longmont and definitely made the chaos of the transition feel more manageable :)
One of my favorite things about our years of travel has been meeting SO many of you face to face. Getting to spend REAL time alongside you in your daily lives is something that I will treasure in my heart forever.
Now that we are settled, I would love to continue corresponding via "real mail". It's been difficult on the road without a consistent mailbox...but now that we have one (it's even ATTACHED to our house...oh the joy!), I want to send more mail out!
I would love to create a database with real addresses in it for my personal records. If you're so inclined, will you email me your current address at janssenfamily (at) gmail (dot) com? Even if you think I already have it...send it again. And I will send you mine if you like. Well, only if you're not a crazy internet creeper. ;)