Weekend Delights
We've had a delightful weekend. Saturday we cleaned, organized, and purged. More is needed, but we're started to feel more "on top" of the mess now. It official that the RV has more storage space than our little house. They just really didn't have much stuff to store in 1910!
I enjoyed a little time alone for the first time in a week. I realized it had been too long when I got in the car and felt the SILENCE deep in my bones and almost started crying :) I took myself out for a coffee and went thrifting. No one was touching me or asking me for another bowl of cereal and it was joyous. But even in that short amount of time, I missed my family :)
Saturday evening, we met up with our dear friends Scott and Betsy who were in town and took all the kids to Chipotle (love those margaritas!) and had good talks at Peet's. Love them.
On Sunday, we got up and made pancakes, read the Sunday paper, and enjoyed some family time. We had house church at the cutest little coffee house in Longmont. The have mate, yummy foods (including coconut milk caramels...yum!), and handmade items. We are so enjoying connecting with our new church family here. Many of you have commented and asked questions about the house church...so I am planning a blog post in the next couple of weeks about that. Stay tuned!
The upcoming week is going to be BUSY...but oh so good. Things on our agenda: Library, Princess Night, Girls Night Out, Nature & Science Museum in Denver, Open Homeschool Gym, Tae Kwon Do (Bella's first time!), and to top it all off, my friends Leah and Mia are driving from Iowa and we are all going to Hoop Path with Baxter and Beth Lavinder all weekend!
Oh, AND...my brother Dan and Jess are in Boulder all week so we get to see them too!
Life is good. We are so at peace with where we are right now. We are hopeful and excited about our future. I hope your week is wonderful too...I know mine will be!
*the photo of Bella and Lucy above is such a crack up...if you want to see my fashionistas up close, click here. No outfit is complete without a tiny (fake) dog. :)