*inspiration monday*
Hello lovelies. It was a CRAZY amazing weekend at Hoop Path in Boulder...I'm still processing the wealth of information and general life encouragement that Baxter provided. I'm editing the rest of the photos tonight (if my very full hard drive cooperates). I had a blast with Leah and Mia as well...it's so great to be around fellow mamas who just "get it". There was lots of chocolate and Thai food and hooping and thrifting...ahhhhhh....blissed out.
Here are some of the things that are inspiring me right now:
I'm a little obsessed with leg warmers lately. I found the sweetest sweater at the thrift store...cut off the sleeves...and voila! I need to serge them so they don't fray. But I don't have a serger. Hmmmmm....suggestions?
Tiffani. Always inspiring. I just edited this photo of us jumping in Vegas and I got all sappy and teary eyed. Good times. We are strongly considering jumping on a plane to Portland in May so we can attend the Life is Good unschooling conference with her. *squeal*
I got a box of goodies from Shauna at Mama's Herbal Soaps and I am in LOVE with the sprays. The Aromatic Rescue Spray is my favorite right now. We spray it on our pillows/sheets and call it "magic sleeping dust" :) I also love the "Sacred" spray. So warm and delicious.
I don't know how I found this...it just popped up on one of my tabs. But I love it!
Arian just posted another one of her lovely free downloads. Love this one! All of her freebies are amazing...I especially love her chore charts. So sweet.
Hmmmmm.....this is interesting.
I would love to incorporate more vintage clothing into my wardrobe, but I'm always at a loss at how. This makeover story is so inspiring! Her hair is sooooo pretty!
I came across this wonderful idea on Suzy's blog. Love love love. What a fun thing to do on a chilly afternoon. Check out her lovely online store too...so many fun things. I'm lucky to live just 20 minutes from her...we have a playdate looming out there for scheduling :)
And lastly...I've recently discovered Phil Wickham's song "Divine Romance". It's an oldie, but new to me and I love it. And in finding the link for it, I realized that I had heard his song "You're Beautiful" at a church in San Luis Obispo, and LOVED it then...but couldn't remember the name of it. I love re-discovering music...
Looking forward to a quieter (but much, much colder and snowier) week. I'll be getting the house back in order and writing some letters by the fire while I drink some steamy mate! Yay!