New Discoveries

We left the house this sunny afternoon to explore more of our lovely city...and we discovered a gem! Caffe Luna is just a short bike ride from our house and I am thrilled to have it so close. I pulled up on my cruiser (first ride since Cali!) with the girls in the trailer and we parked it in the front. I noticed right away the patrons were my kind of people. You know what I mean...they looked like they weren't exactly "going with the flow" :) hee hee

We walked in and Bella immediately claimed our very own room with floor to ceiling books, a table and several comfy chairs. It was pretty quiet, so we were able to spread out a bit. The light was streaming in and it was overall just pretty dreamy. I ordered some vegan white bean soup and sourdough bread with green plum iced tea and Bella got a homemade brownie and vanilla rooibos. The barista was helpful and kind to the girls, answering my many questions with ease. There were a few ladies in the main room hanging a new art exhibit.

Lucy immediately noticed that there was another baby present...she made the baby sign and asked to go see her. Bella walked her over there and they had a nice conversation and I went to join them and talked with the mama for a bit. There were toys and books for them to play with...which is genius if you ask me. Every coffee shop needs to do that! I love taking my girls out on "dates"...because I love watching them interact with the world around them. They are such bright & friendly makes me happy being with them.

I can't wait to come back and enjoy a quiet mama day on the front porch...with a scone and some steamy coffee. They have all kinds of breakfast foods and they open at 6am. The only unfortunate thing is that they close at 6pm....but the barista assured me that I could sit on the porch long after they closed to use their wi-fi. Love it.

After we left the cafe, we rode across the street to the playground and basked in the sun a bit more. Then we rode back home to our neighborhood corner park and met one of our neighbors and her daughter. An hour later, we met more neighbors and they have 5 and 7 year old girls. They were SO nice and we made plans for the girls to play together.

It was a good day.

Have you discovered anything new and wonderful in your own town lately?