Happy Cow Hip Bag Giveaway
From the moment I saw this Happy Cow hip bag, I was in love. I'm all about being hands-free, especially with two little munchkins running about. So you can imagine my excitement when the lovely crew at Happy Cow generously sent me one to review and give away!
My favorite thing: I have everything I need around my waist at all times. It has 2 pockets on the outside...I carry my iPhone in one of them and random odds and ends in the other. The main pocket is nice and roomy and there is enough room in there for my small wallet, one diaper, and a few wipes. There is also a zipper on that compartment...along with another zippered hidden pouch on the side that is against your body.
It's especially nice to use when we're going on a walk downtown, to the park, or when we're at a festival...the benefits of not carrying a bulky bag during these times are too numerous to count!
Plus, there just aren't many "fanny packs" out there that can even compare to this gem. In fact, just typing the words "fanny packs" makes me think of my band director in high school. :) His was definitely not as cool as this.
The only two things I have noticed is that it's a little harder to use in cold climates because it's kind of awkward under a winter coat. And, I haven't ever been able to successfully where it IN my belt loops. I think maybe my jeans are just weird. Or maybe I'm just weird. Who knows? ;) But it doesn't matter...I just wear it on top of whatever I'm wearing. It's especially cute with skirts and dresses.
The leather is amazingly soft and the best part is that it is made out of discarded scraps of leather from furniture manufacturers. They also come in several colors. My friend Alicia totally ROCKS the red one. *love it*.
Be sure to check out their other bags as well. I'm kind of in love with this one.
To enter the giveaway:
- Leave a comment...any comment. :)
- Post this giveaway to your Facebook or Twitter page.
- "Like" the Happy Cow Facebook page
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I will choose a winner randomly on Friday, April 1. Entries must be in by 12:00 MST.