Raccoon Clan

Open Road

Every Thursday morning we wake up and drive across the breathtaking Colorado meadows into the foothills.

House and Horse

We pass our favorite horse...

Running Free

...and soon we arrive at the place where children run free.


...where they find confidence and appreciation for God's creation.

Circle Up

It's Raccoon Clan!

Raccoon Clan is one of the programs available through "Her Feet On The Earth", a non-profit with a "vision to help raise young people who are ready to meet life's challenges and be of service in the world: youth who have a positive sense of themselves as young women and men; who know what their gifts are; feel deeply connected with nature; have strong community support; and are full of resilience and vitality."

So what does Bella do at Raccoon Clan? She explores the mysteries and wonders of nature. She wanders along the stream banks. She searches for good things to eat. She makes tracks, plays games in the field and shares stories.

Each week she has new adventures and nourishes her connection with nature by learning about the animals, birds, plants and trees around her and learns important skills to help her feel at home in nature, such as fire making, navigation, shelter building, archery, and more. (paraphrased from HFOTE)

We drop her off at 9:00 a.m. and pick her up at 3:00 p.m. There is a tipi on the land and so much beauty to explore. Lorene and Mary are fantastic with all of the kids and so mindful about what they are teaching.

I have noticed such a difference in her level of independence and how she interacts with others...and she LOVES her new friends there. She talks about going all week and loves packing her lunch for the big day. As you can see from the photo below...she's pretty excited about it.

We are thrilled to have found this program and hope to continue in it for a long time.

Happy Face