My love affair with "real" mail continues...and I would LOVE to have more of it in my mailbox! :) I've been checking it often, but then remembered that I've hardly given our address out to anyone yet!
The very best thing about settling into a house is having a real mailbox again. It's like a gaping hole in my life when it's not there. :) There is something so magical about can change the course of an entire day! You can find more posts about my mail obsession here.
It's been so fun to exchange mail with many of you over the years. My favorite kind of letters are the ones where you just tell me what is going on in your day. What you are working on, things your kids are doing, spiritual truths you've discovered, your struggles, your joys. I can't promise that I will be able to respond to every letter, but I want to try. If you have kids, it would be really fun to exchange postcards with Bella and Lucy! Even if you don't have kids...we love seeing postcard photos from where you live!
And so, without further is where your correspondence can find us:
The Happy Janssens P.O. Box 1631 Nederland, CO 80466
(*and now that Christmas is just around the corner, please add us to your mailing list too!)