Things That Make Me Smile
Happy Sunday everyone! We are finally coming out from the cloud of flu that has been hanging over our house since last Tuesday. I haven't left the house since I think we may go out to a little cafe for lunch and I am oh so excited! Fresh air, someone else cooking for me, mountain views...sounds good to me.
Here are a few of the things that made me smile this week around the web:
I'm always looking for playtime ideas for the cold winter months. I recently filled a large, flat tupperware with about 10 lbs of popcorn seeds and the girls have been going crazy with it. Yes, it can be messy...but fun is sometimes messy! We call it the "seed box". You could also use beans, wheat, or real sand if you're out of your mind :) Here is another idea with oatmeal.
This week I want to make homemade playdough.
I know I have seen Kat's incredible sweaters on Etsy before...but had never seen her website until today. Kind of obsessed. And I want her house. Oh, and her busses. As I type this, I'm listening to this podcast interview with her. Love. It's a beautiful conversation about making art, how "stuff" can take over, traveling light, and more!
I adore this idea. I have many cards and letters from dear friends, but they are all just in a box. Punching holes in them and putting them in a pretty binder sounds like way more fun.
I like to buy sweaters at the thrift store & cut off their arms for leg warmers...but I've always wanted to do something with the part that is left. I think I will try this next time! Circle scarf = happy.
Bella has been obsessed with snow globes for as long as I can remember. Can't wait to make these with her!
Have you seen my "Lovely Spaces" board on Pinterest? I go there when I want to smile. :)
I like to make stuff and feel crafty...although it seems to happen less and less these days. These bracelets look pretty simple and I'm excited to go thrift store!
We have oodles of gaffers tape laying around from all of our I was excited to see this idea. Bella has loved making duct tape wallets, so I know she'll love this.
Thank you to everyone who posted recipes and links for bread and muffins! So excited to try them out over the winter. After posting that, I found this great page with tons of bread recipes.
Hope everyone is healthy and enjoying a restful Sunday! xxoo