DPP 2011 * Sisters
It's December! That means a lot of things...but one of my favorites is The December Photo Project. This is my third year participating and I just love how it causes me to see beauty all around in one of the busiest months of the year. It also encourages me to blog every day...so you'll be seeing a lot more of me during this month!
Today we lived in the kitchen. We started out making applesauce-cinnamon ornaments...which turned out to be a lot messier and more complicated than it seems! I didn't have any white glue, and I think that was my downfall. The batter seemed so wet, so I added more cinnamon...and now I think they are too dry. They are hardening now, but we'll see if they actually stay together. If anyone has any tips for our next round, I would appreciate it :)
We enjoyed watching the snow fall outside all day...it looks like we got about 8 inches. I just love the snow...it makes everything so beautiful and quiet. Click here to see the "runner up" image for the day.
Banana muffins and Ghirardelli chocolate chip cookies completed our afternoon of baking. And now Daddy is home, the sun has set on another day, and supper is being prepared. Looking forward to our Jesse Tree devotional and also to our family viewing of X Factor :) Have a great evening everyone!
*note the two different boots on my little Lucy...she cracks me up.