Sunshine, Dirt, & Community
We are slowly getting settled into our new little house in Longmont...and we are LOVING having so many options for community and fun. I captured the girls snuggled up together on our chair...watching YouTube videos on how to give a guinea pig a bath :) We are considering getting 2 guinea pigs and they are in full research mode. When I've polled my friends, I've heard everything from "Yes! They are great first pets!" to "Oooooh...don't do it!". Does anyone have any words of wisdom for us?
We've spent several blissful afternoons with our unschooling's SO nice to be connecting again on a regular basis. It's done SO MUCH for my mama heart.
Spending time with other moms and dads who view life/parenting the same as you do is very empowering and refreshing.
Seeing this photo just makes me smile and takes me right back to the a-ha moment Lucy had this week. She realized that it was ok to get dirty and be dirty and not have to wash it all off immediately. She's normally does not like things on her hands. She doesn't like even a drop of water on her clothes. But when I explained that she could stay outside with her dirty hands and PLAY and HAVE FUN, it produced a new spark and excitement in her eyes. Revolutionary! She got very excited and ran out to make more mud and more mess...and didn't come in for another 30 minutes. Just the fact that she can play outside makes me incredibly happy. We were unable to do something that simple in Nederland because of the land/terrain we were on and the ice/snow.
Sisters feeding the mailbox a delicious little letter.
On Tuesday, it was a balmy 70 degrees! We spent much of the morning and early afternoon playing at the park and soaking up every last bit of sunshine.
Lucy raced after Bella on her Plasma car...wanting to be just like her big sis.
Today we spent all afternoon at a a nearby bounce playhouse/gym...because the temp had dropped back to 37 and chilly! The girls played so hard for 4 straight hours and are sleeping VERY soundly as I type this in the quiet of the night :)
And lastly...a few things that are making me happy this week. A new painting from my friend Lisa...this photo just doesn't even do it justice. The colors in this original are so gorgeous. I can't wait to hang it in the perfect spot!
I've been loving the kombucha...which is funny because I haven't always been a fan. Trilogy and Gingerberry are my favorite right now...but their chia-filled fruity friends are a close second! Bella loves them too...which makes me happy. Although as with anything (even "good" things)...I try to keep our intake moderate and not go crazy with it. I will eventually need to start making my own because we go through it pretty quickly! If you've never tried it...give it a whirl! But don't give up if you don't like it on the first try. Experiment with different brands and flavors until you find one you like.
And lastly...this little gem of encouragement that my friend Alicia of the fabulous Milagro Girl sent out on her Insta.gram feed this week. It really resonated with me and I've gone back to read it many times for inspiration. I hope you feel the same way.
So many great reminders...but to sum it up, LIVE AN AMAZING & FULL LIFE!!
What is inspiring you to do that this week?