Yarn Bombing the Backyard

Yarn Bombing 2
Yarn Bombing 2

I have long admired yarn bombing "installations" that I have seen around the country and decided that I would add a little color to my own backyard. I stand in awe of all of the yarn bombers who artfully and intentionally take their time to create these beautiful pieces for all to enjoy. BUT...as a busy mama of three littles, I didn't want to spend my precious free time knitting for my tree. :)

Yarn Bombing 3
Yarn Bombing 3

So on my thrifting excursions over the last month, I have focused on rescuing discarded hand knit treasures.

Yarn Bomber
Yarn Bomber

And then I tied them all to my tree. And they make me happy.

*my favorite book on yarn bombing is this. love. and another gallery of knitted goodness here.