New Things

This man. Hard-working. Faithful to his core. Hero to three little girls. When I am frazzled and stressed, he is my rock. He never falters. When the boxes pile high and I can't find Emma's socks for the 49th time this week, he pulls me close and whispers reassurances. 

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Every day when I arrive, he has fun new developments to show me. I am starting to see how it's going to come together. Oh how thankful I am to call him my love and to be working side-by-side with him on our new home.

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Our living room is grand central...the hub for tools of transformation! We'll move into the basement on Thursday and will create a mini-kitchen/living area there while we finish the upstairs. I can hardly wait for this great room to be's so hard to wait! This process is growing me in so many ways. Patience patience patience!

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A picnic in the exact spot where our table will sit. I anticipate the laughter of friends and family and delicious aromas to rise from this place...

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness..." *Isaiah 43:19

Yes! I do see new things! So many new things. I breathe deeply of the wild mountain air every time I walk out the door. The snow is still glittering down on a regular basis and there are bright shiny stars overhead.  Lots of things are changing. This is a good life. 

Side note: I have started a renovation timeline here and a renovation gallery here. I'll try to update those daily as we are creating our new space!