The Little Things | February 2022 (Week 3)

“The Little Things” is my blog version of IG stories...these seemingly ordinary daily moments make up our beautiful life! *Click the images to enlarge & scroll*

“Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.”
- Frank Clark

Doughnuts: This girl is the master of the gluten free doughnut. She whips them up so fast and they are ridiculously delicious. Lucy is the one who loves to bake all the things. And we all get to benefit! Recipe here!

Staredown: Prince and Matt going eye to eye. He wouldn’t move off the truck so we could leave LOL! I never thought I would say it, but I LOVE these sweet cats. We have 4 “barn cats”, but 2 are wannabe house cats. They come to the doors daily to get treats and snuggles. And when it’s -35 degree windchill, I just can’t help but to open the door and let them in for a bit!

Demolition: The main question we get lately is “what are you working on now in the house?”. And this is it! We’re working on the upstairs, which is where Lucy and Emma’s rooms will be. It’s been a massive undertaking (just like the rest of the house!)…gutted to the studs and then rebuilding it back. I’ll be posting more before and afters soon!

Abundance: The chickens are finally laying more eggs! It’s pretty common for egg laying to slow down in the winter, especially if you aren’t adding supplemental light, but we have 33 chickens and would only be getting 3-4 eggs. Now we’re getting 14-16 a day. It could be because we got rid of our messy troublemaking ducks (remind me that I never want them again!)…and now they can’t stress the chickens out any more. Or…they just love us and want to give us eggs. Either way, I’ll take it!

Frosty: There is a water drain off area in our front field and the other day I was down there skating around on the ice with Lucy and Emma…and the moisture in the air had created these amazing little icy shapes! They were so dainty and delicate even in the harshest of climates. God makes the best art!

Scotty B: We were so heartbroken to hear about my Uncle Scott’s sudden passing a few weeks ago. Around our house, he was known as “Bob Scott”. He was an amazing man, an encourager to so many. He was funny and warm and smart and beyond enthusiastic about life. He will be incredibly missed. Please say a prayer for his wife Deanne (my mama’s sister) and his 3 daughters and their families.

Family: We headed to Iowa to go to the funeral to celebrate his life. It was good to be surrounded by family and even amidst the suffering and sadness, there was laughter and smiles. And lots of memories of Scott.

Guardian: This is Maggie’s typical stance. The great pyrenees in her brings out the guardian mentality. She loves to WATCH and make sure no one dangerous is approaching the house :)

Banjolele: Emma is always on some sort of stringed instrument…and this is her latest love. The banjolele! It’s a mix between the banjo and the ukulele. She picks things up so quickly…I love having so many resources and classes at our fingertips. The internet can be pretty cool.

New: Bella bought her first car…all by herself! She has been saving for several years and she finally has it. She has wanted a Subaru since she was an 8 year old living in Boulder…and it now it came to be! It’s even in her favorite color…GREEN! What a cutie. We’re so proud of her…oh the places you’ll go my child!

Ladies: Fluffy butts out eating the meal scraps! They usually won’t come out if it’s super snowy, but they will for yummy food! It’s been SO cold this week, so they have been spending a lot of time in the barn. Oh spring…PLEASE come soon!

Workin’: The girls have chores to do around the house…and firewood is important to stock and stack in the winter! They are getting so strong…it’s awesome to have the help.

Click: Bella and I watched The Social Dilemma a few months ago. She started to question if being on social media was worth it…but was hesitating. I made a deal a deal with her…that if she would get off of all social media, then I would get her a vintage film camera. It took her about 1 second and she reached out her hand and said ….”DONE!”. She’s been having a blast snapping photos. She is putting all of her time toward her new blog! Go and check it out at She would love it if you would say hi and comment over there…she’s a fantastic photographer and writer! Be sure to check out the post about her leaving the socials!

Mornings: My morning view…every morning Matt and I read the Bible together and pray while we watch the sunrise. So thankful for his leadership and love.

Love: Speaking of my Matty…it was his 44th birthday on the 21st! And we had a blast celebrating him!

Worship: Matt is starting to help with worship at our church…so good to see him diving in to his passions. It lights my heart up to hear him play and sing with the girls.

And that’s a wrap!