Saying Goodbye
/Head on over to Live Lightly to read about the sale of our RV to the fabulous Kevin and Annmaire Gianni!
Head on over to Live Lightly to read about the sale of our RV to the fabulous Kevin and Annmaire Gianni!
Have you been wanting to "green" your home, but didn't know where to start?
Let me help you!
Oprah recently featured the Get Clean line on her "favorites" show...and because of that, Shaklee is offering the "Get Clean Starter Kit" at a huge discount (33%) until Friday, November 30. ordering the kit (or anything 50pv or higher) you will also receive a lifetime Shaklee membership, giving you a 15% discount on all future purchases (also a special that ends on Nov. 30).
I know that many of you have inquired about the Get Clean line...and this is a great chance to try it out. This is such an EASY way to green your home...the kit format makes it so simple and there is no getting confused at what you need to buy. I am LOVING all of the items in this kit...we use them on the road and have been so happy. Some of my favorite items:
*Fresh Laundry Concentrate: It smells so great and works MUCH better than other natural detergents I've tried. *Nature Bright Laundry Booster: Gets out stains and stinky stuff...great for soaking, carpets, and more! *Hand Wash Concentrate: I cut onions and garlic a lot and this works really, really good at getting the stink out! *Basic H Organic Wipes: Oh Basic H do I love thee? Let me count the ways :) These are AWESOME. For those of you who still aren't at 100% cloth in your homes...check out these all purpose wipes that are safe to use everywhere. *Scour Off Heavy Duty Paste: I've never smelled a scouring powder so delicious.
These are just a few of my faves...but you really have to try them to believe it. Everything has a 100% check it out! And of purchasing Shaklee items, you're supporting the Live Lightly Tour as well. This special offer ends on Friday (today!!) you have until midnight to take advantage of it.
Click here to order the Get Clean Special Edition Starter Kit...and don't forget to tell your friends!! Our goal is to turn 10 households green TODAY...will you help?
(cross-posted on Live Lightly)
As the Live Lightly Tour launch gets closer and closer…Matt and I are increasingly aware of our need for additional income! That is probably the most frequently asked question…”how are you making money?”. Well, this is where your help is needed. We are continuing to do photography and odd jobs while on the road…but it’s proving difficult to maintain a steady income. To supplement those professions, we have partnered with a company, Shaklee, that has wonderful, earth-friendly products for home and body. We’re going to be selling them while we’re on the road…and the great thing is that you can buy them directly from our new Shaklee website and support the tour in that way. Their products and their company values align nicely with what we are all about…and that is, helping people make healthy choices for the earth and for their home/body. They make it easy to be green!
Click here to see the “Get Clean” natural home cleaning line. They also have high-quality vitamins for kids and adults, and lots of other cool stuff.
Matt at Groovy Green did a nice little test and review on the Get Clean line. Read his opinions here.
The Get Clean line is getting lots of media attention…Shaklee in the News.
The other cool thing…Shaklee has “zero impact on global warming by offsetting 100% of its greenhouse gas emissions. For this innovative environmental leadership, Shaklee became the nation’s first Climate Neutral Certified company”.
If you are interested in our tour, and want to help us educate others about sustainable and simple living…PLEASE help keep us on the road! If you are already a Shaklee user…PLEASE start buying from our site! If you have been trying to figure out how to be “more green”…this is a great first step. You can even buy the entire line as a “kit”.
Other ways to help: I would really like to start doing more graphic design while we’re on the road. Here is a list of services I can provide…contact me directly for more information:
If you are interested in donating directly to the Live Lightly Tour Fund…you can use Paypal and send donations to
Thank you for all of your support already…we appreciate our readers so much! You make us happy.
*Note for Walk Slowly may be wondering why I would be promoting natural cleaning products when I blog about making your own. :) I love making my own...but I recognize that some people may not like making their own, may not want to make their own, or may not feel like they have time to mess with it. The Shaklee line makes it really easy to go green...and I love being able to offer a great alternative to making your own. Even before we were doing Shaklee...I still bought premade dish soap, laundry soap, and other cleaners that are harder to make. Don't worry...I haven't sold out :) Just wanting to offer lots of alternatives to the nasty, dangerous chemicals that are marketed as cleaning products.
*Cross-posted on Live Lightly
Chasing children & chickens on 21 acres in south dakota.
married to the man of my dreams.
jesus follower.
lover of truth & freedom.
Prairie Dweller.
*Please note that formatting in the archives is a bit wonky after a recent update, and it deleted all comments. Thanks for your patience!
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