I read books one sentence at a time. Having three little girls means that I hear "Mama watch me!!" every 30 seconds...which makes reading a full page, much less a full book almost impossible. So tonight after supper, Matt took the girls for a bit and I poured myself a glass of wine and opened Jenna Woginrich's delicious book, "Barnheart: The Incurable Longing for a Farm of One's Own".
The one sentence that really stuck out to me tonight was this one:
"My God...this is all mine! For at least a year, this is all mine..." I grinned like an idiot.
I can relate to her giddiness. For at least a year...this farm is all ours. And I am DEFINITELY grinning like an idiot every time I think of it!
Her description of the first time she arrived at her little Vermont homestead had me riveted. Reading about the feelings she had the first time she laid eyes on her farm...I could SO relate. I just love her writing style so much and I enjoy reading throughher blog, Cold Antler Farm, as well. I have already finished Made From Scratch, which was delightful.
Sometimes, if I love a book enough, in addition to checking it out from the library, I will buy it for my Kindle too. Why? Because my GUARANTEED reading times are between 11pm-3am. In bed. While nursing. The Kindle app on my iPhone gets a lot of use during those hours. Barnheart is soon to be downloaded. I'm sure of it. :)
As I was clicking around Jenna's blog and clicked over to Rosie's. Which led me to this awesome site...
Conversations With Farm Women, a Celebration of Beauty and better believe my heart started beating faster. Pitter stories will do that to me. So will spotting an amazing barn from the highway. Or seeing a goat bouncing around. I've got it bad folks.
A case of Barnheart.