Catina Jane Arts Giveaway
*Squeeeeeeeel* Isn't it adorable? I've loved Catina's art from the moment I set eyes on it YEARS ago. It's so quirky and delicious...and the colors are crazy vibrant. Catina and I have been online friends for as long as I can remember...her beautiful dreads played a big part in my decision to dread my own hair...and one of her pieces of art has graced the walls of nearly all of our homes.
She also makes wonderfully unique jewelry...
And joy of all joys...both of these pieces are up for grabs! I will choose 2 different winners...the first drawing will be for the art, and the second for the necklace. I will take entries for the giveaway through 12:00 CST on Monday, May 17.
To enter:
- Check out Catina Jane's website and Etsy store and let me know what your favorite piece is.
- Facebook or Twitter for an additional entry: I just entered the Catina Jane Arts Giveaway on Walk Slowly, Live Wildly...check it out!
- Blog on your own blog for yet another entry.
Be sure to put each entry on a new comment below...I choose the winner by comment number, so if you put them all in one comment, it only counts once. :)
Catina is offering FREE SHIPPING to my blog readers as well...and she has just stocked her store with tons of beautiful new art and jewelry! Just enter the words "Walk Slowly" in the comments for your order. Be sure to take advantage of this offer, it will expire on May 20, 2010.