DPP 2012 :: Eight Months

Emmaline Claire is EIGHT months old today! She does her best to keep up with her two big sisters. Crawling everywhere (fast!). Standing up on everything. Making big messes. Melting our hearts daily.

*On a side note...if you have sent me a message in the last couple of weeks, I apologize for not getting back to you! When I do the DPP, my inbox tends to fill up with readers asking lots of different questions about our life and such. And while I LOVE interacting with everyone and normally try to respond...during this crazy time of year, I just can't do it all.  Thank you for understanding!! So much love to you all! xo

Yarn Bombing the Backyard

Yarn Bombing 2
Yarn Bombing 2

I have long admired yarn bombing "installations" that I have seen around the country and decided that I would add a little color to my own backyard. I stand in awe of all of the yarn bombers who artfully and intentionally take their time to create these beautiful pieces for all to enjoy. BUT...as a busy mama of three littles, I didn't want to spend my precious free time knitting for my tree. :)

Yarn Bombing 3
Yarn Bombing 3

So on my thrifting excursions over the last month, I have focused on rescuing discarded hand knit treasures.

Yarn Bomber
Yarn Bomber

And then I tied them all to my tree. And they make me happy.

*my favorite book on yarn bombing is this. love. and another gallery of knitted goodness here.