Sacred Space

I am minutes away from leaving for the airport to pick up my dear friend Monica. I wanted to create a sacred, yummy space for refresh her soul as she retreats from the demands of raising children for a few days. I'm so looking forward to amazing conversation, laughter, and delicious food.

I've had a vision for this little nook in our loft for awhile now, and her visit gave me the motivation to do it! Creating this space took me less than an hour, using bits and pieces that I had in storage or just around the house. After she leaves, I'm planning on using it as a little mama getaway for myself...a "prayer room" of sorts.

I'm encouraging you today to create this type of space in a corner of your home! Somewhere that you LOVE. Hang things that make you happy. Images or photos that make your heart soar. It's not always possible to take time away OUTSIDE the create it within.

Let's encourage and inspire each other to pursue quiet, magical time in our days. It might mean getting up really early or staying up later...but I'm excited to find this time in my day.

I would love to see photos of your sacred spaces. Where do you meditate or pray? Where do you go to find peace & solitude? Post links to your photos if you have them.

*Flags are from Art To Go on Etsy. A few pillows and lights from Target. All other textiles were thrifted or gifted.